Sunday 19 April 2009

Dynamo or Dinosaur

The wonderful benefits of the Web, and by definition, Cloud Computing, is the availability of documents, saved pages, bookmarks etc, irrespective of where you happen to be at any time.It is easy to get access to an Internet connection, whether it is in the office, your favourite coffee bar or on your mobile phone, so it is possible to stay connected almost on a permanent basis.

This has obvious advantages for those who travel a lot as well as the increasing numbers of home workers. The opportunity to share files with co-workers and colleagues is - in a word - awesome.

Most people who are comfortable with the Internet would probably agree - the facts speak for themselves. Apple Iphone is shortly to reach the 1 billion mark for applications downloaded from its application store - many of these games, for sure, but an increasing number have everyday practical application. So much so that the Iphone is a contender for the principal business phone, going head to head with the ubiquitous Blackberry.

And yet, lagging behind, firmly stuck in the 19th century, is the accounting profession who'se collective attitude to SaaS (I know the acronym doesn't help)is, "what I've got works so I am not interested in anything new".

The number of internet based accounting providers is increasing, as are the number of users. But I wonder how many accounting practices have adopted SaaS as their principal resource.

It would be interesting to know.

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